Tag Archives: UP


It’s a Saturday. Yet I am out from my cave and I’m here at work. Yes! I am to work on a weekend to finish my assignment. That’s life. Some has to sacrifice to accomplish things. It’s not often and it’s ok. It’s for the best.

Prior to me going here, I accompanied Jose to the Mac store. Why? Details should be perhaps relayed by his goodness 😉 Hehehe.

He has a MA class today so I hitched a ride to UP. In an instant I became sentimental.

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I walked along the sidewalk of the infamous UP Oval where I stride my college years from one building to another to attend my classes. Now, I stroll the same path.

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Cleaner air, cool breeze, the trees… ah yes! Those trees I am fond of looking at. Their branches curved on top of the rode as if reaching what’s on the other side. I am and perhaps will be fascinated by these acacia and fire trees.

It felt good… walking… and being back in that place. I felt as if there was a rewind in my life. Yet, I felt old looking at the students. In my mind I wished them well and hoped that they enjoy their years here in the university.

I felt old seeing the students. Hahaha! Good thing I carrying my stuff in a backpack and I am dressed in my usual tee, jeans and my red Converse that I wished I had during my days here in the university.

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Gone are the years of silliness and simple pleasures. After university life that I thought was difficult enough, a more complicated and stressful one. I am thankful I took my degree in that university. It’s difficult, but I was prepped up very well.


Posted by on August 25, 2007 in Realizations, Satisfied and Accomplishments


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