Monthly Archives: November 2009

When Medical Results Get Switched?

After a few weeks of cleaning from the wreckage typhoon Ondoy has given us, physical pain on the lower back troubled Nanay (my mother). At first, she can tolerate and endure the pain. Thinking that it could be just a minor muscle pain from all the walks and cleanings she did, it would just go away when she give it a rest or a few rubs of liniment. Sad to say, just a couple of weeks ago, she decided to go to a doctor for a checkup. We feared that her kidney stones could have returned again but after a few more tests, her kidney is cleared BUT when the Xray results came in a bone somewhere near her pelvic area was sort of mislocated.

My mom has Scoliosis for the record. It’s pretty obvious recently because her right should blade seems to be bulging out more through out the years. She not much of a milk or dairy fan. Then after the doctor explained to her the result. She admitted that she did carry some stuff during the cleanign period that could have caused the bone misalignment/damage.

My mom is 69 years old. Doctor’s advice, look for a hospital that do Bone Densitometry.

Thanks to technology (Google to be exact) I was able to locate a hospital (Delos Santos Medical Hospital) that provides that service. Called them up, asked for details and the fee for the service. True enough, this hospital was mentioned not to charge that much for hospital and medical services compared to other private hospitals. I’m glad that they provide these kinds of services but I have a little bit of doubt since I heard before that in this hospital happened a baby switching mishap. But I was also advised that it has teamed up with STI school which provides some “new” technology approach for the hospital, so I guess it’s worth a try since it’s near and accessible since my mom will be coming from our province. Last week my mom went there to have the service and was asked to come back a couple of days after to get the result.

Come weekend, my usual schedule to go home to the province to rest and be with my parents. My mom showed to me that the last page of her bone densitometry test was not hers. Well, true enough it’s not her because it’s not her name nor her other details (like age, weight, date of test and physician’s name) but they both have the same surname that might have been the cause of confusion.

So just this morning, I called up the hospital to ask what happened. The moment I mentioned that there’s a mistake on the results released, the woman on the other line seemed mum for a few seconds before she asked for the details. They told me to come back and get the results but it’s a hassle for me or my mom. I told them can they just email it since the results were “computerized” (though my friend said I should demanded that they send a copy via courier). They said they’d come back to be within the day and gave them my mobile number.

I was giving myself until 3PM today before I call up again. But just a few minutes ago, they called up and explained that the 3rd and last page is not part of the indicated test results on the first page. They just took a photo of my mom’s spine from the side, no readings from it. It gave me the impression that it’s not needed but for my peace of mind I asked that they provide my mom’s file (of course we would like to have a file of it with my mother’s name and details on that sheet of paper). Within 30 minutes they emailed me copy.

I’m not bad-mouthing the hospital. In fact I’m kind of glad they expanded their services and fees are not that jacked up compared to other private hospitals. I admit too that we have our faults as well so here are the lessons learned that I hope you guys will take considerations also:

1) As much as you can, do accompany your friend, family member or relative specially if you know they are a bit on the senior age. I admit that I am at fault that I didn’t go with my mom. But I heard my brother was with her when she got the result. I believe being with someone when you go to hospitals or do medical checkups somehow helps ease the “tensions” or even mistakes like this. It’s also good to know what’s happening, what’s the test is all about and what is the result. Honestly, my mom is quite annoyed at me when I asked her what the doctor said. She could explained it to me… but I guess I’ll be forgiven (somehow) when she hears that I got the switched result.

2) Check the results. Double check (triple if you like). Though we non-medical practitioners may not understand what it says on the results, at least we know how to read. We know our name (or the name of the person you are accompanying) and other details. In this way, you can avoid much hassles like going back and taking the waiting queue again. Less hassle and time wasted. Because of what happened my mom had to wait a day or 2 for her back and waist/hip brace to be done/measured.

3) Be nice to others and communicate with courtesy. Well, if anyone from the said hospital is reading this blog entry, sorry if I raised my voice a bit 😦 though at times it works when you raise voice to get their attention but I still prefer 9and it’s really BETTER) talking and explaining in a modulated way. I have to admit if my personal deadline (the 3PM mentioned above) did come, well, let’s leave it to your imagination 😉 But kudos to the medical staff (Mylene or was it Michelle?) who called me up, explained and responded to my request. I consider that a fast action. I just hope your hospital won’t commit another mishap (may it be like this or the baby switching insident).

If I’m asked if we’ll take medical services in the same hospital again, yes, why not. They corrected their mistake and so far the result is accurate. I’m pleased they responded immediately.

Not my mom's spine but the REAL image (in bone densitometry test) is sort of like this


Posted by on November 24, 2009 in Realizations, Recommendation


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Drained (and Feeling Defeated?)

I feel like a loser. And I never ever wanted to use that word to others what more to myself.

I feel like beaten. like the feeling of running and running to hours, even days and yet you seemed not to reach or even don’t have a specific destination to go to. Or that feeling of waking up from really long hours of sleep and yet you still feel exhausted.

I’m tired.

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Posted by on November 13, 2009 in Emotional and Physical Turmoil


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The Art of Critics

A little tweaking on the title but it’s still the same.

Making criticism “tasty” at some point… interpreted by Tom Fishburne Ü

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Posted by on November 10, 2009 in Life in a Comic Strip


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My Comeback

Is it really my return?

Forgiveness I ask and I grant myself for not posting and sharing my thoughts how rough and inconsistent they may be in terms of schedules and all that. I can’t even call myself a blogger now… It’s been months since my last post and I didn’t even finish my postings for my much-acclaimed and sought after vacation in Bangkok 😦 (I still owe you guys 5 days of it)

I really feel sad. Ashamed. Really.

It all started that I, call it neglect if you must, not anymore updating this blog since my Biggie then that later became (and was renamed) Hughie started to show some “sickness”. For those who never knew who (or rather what) was this “Biggie” that later on became “Hughie”, it’s my Powerbook (yes, Powerbook, not Macbook just Powerbook). It started to show signs days before I went for my vacation trip to Bangkok and while I was there, it’s sort of cranking up already. Thinking that probably it’s overworked or something, I let it rest and used it a few days later.

To cut the story short, it crashed on me not once but twice! Yes. TWICE. The very reason why it became a “Hughie” renaming it from Hugh Jackman whom I wish… ah, nevermind. Twice I lost my files, personal files… including my sorted photo album in iPhoto and my latest photos from Bangkok 😦 But later on, I found out that some of the last pictures I took was still in one of my compact flashes and I was able to retrieve them. But I lost energy to sort and select since I’ve done it before. (The pain… huhuhu)

Let’s just say, this might not be really a good year for me. Aside from the crashes and losses, I was diagnosed one day of having an asthma. Well, for a few months after diagnosis and a whole week of absence from work I avoided food that might trigger to coughing that then leads to sleepless nights and asthma attacks. I restrain myself from chocolates, eggs and milk or anything that had those. Until recently, I can’t help myself… but thankfully, no attacks so far 😉

Surely you’ve read about the flash floods and typhoons that hit Philippines. Well, my family and I and some close friends of mine are victims. My old drawings and illustrations, photo albums, first publication and printed works, my airbrush and compressor to name a few were destroyed by the flood. Books of my granddaughters were ruined by it too that it breaks my heart knowing the kids cried because of it. It was hard to throw things that once you knew was yours, was intact and you loved or at lest liked. But we have to move one. A couple of days after I’m done cleaning up in my home in the province, I went to Manila to help out a friend. I shared to him my technique to make the cleaning and sorting fast. I told him to psych himself that if it was only that time (cleaning) that he remembered he had those stuff, it means you don’t need it so better throw it/them. Well, it could have worked on me or to some people. But if you see your big box of comic books you collected since way back then, dripping in muddy water… if it was mine I’d cry. Honestly, it hurts but again, all has at least a reason, a sane reason why it happened to you and it won’t be given to you if you can’t handle it well.

But I’d say, we’re still lucky for none of our families lost a loved one. God is still good to us.

A few things happened to my family. Tatay was hospitalized due to head trauma when he fell off the stairs. But prior to that, he had to go back home because no one will take care of him after he had that thing inserted in his heart (sorry, I forgot the term). But he’s fine now, recovering. But he won’t be able to come back and work in the US. Nanay, well, strong as ever. she may have tantrums or breakdowns once in awhile specially when I don’t go home but she’s a fighter. My kuyas, well, both have their families to deal with. They visit once in awhile.

And me, well, after months of no personal computer and seeing my Powerbook just being a dust collector or a paper weight beside me everyday when I report to my work post I’m pretty much ok. I guess learning and losing things we worked for or things that we knew we once had may hurt but it does take time for you to get over it. It depends actually on you. I let it go. I accepted that fact that it happened. Actually, I’m surprise myself that I didn’t violently reacted specially when I lost my files twice. It seems like I saw it coming or sort of expecting it. there were sacrifices, yes. I had to stay late in the office for me to play or watch something online or downloaded. But somehow it gave me time to think of other things to do. I now read… yes, read… novels, short stories. I try write, by hand mind you. The old school journals. Even do word hunt puzzles, the old way: bought a couple for my Tatay as his past time only thing is, one was left with me and I’m the one who worked on it. It’s easy ah! It’s addicting too… hihihi. Brain exercise for me… non-work related exercise.

So, pretty much the world continued to revolve. Either to with it or counterflow it. But why resist when you know you can manage to drive with it. Gees. What am I saying here? Oh well, Im just glad I got to write again here. But I can’t promise when again. I did plan to draw or doodle too manually, not digitally but still… I haven’t done or even started at least one of project on it. I got 3 blank notebooks, good material for illustrating as gifts from my last birthday. I guess some force is telling me, persuading me to draw or at least doodle.

I guess this is it… goodbye for now but I’ll be back but God knows when it will be or what I’ll be posting.

As for now, ta-tah… live well 😉

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Posted by on November 5, 2009 in Realizations, Simplified