Tag Archives: holiday

10 Things

I’ve been tagged by my virtual boyfriend Jose in Facebook about this. I have time to bite on it while waiting to be picked up here at the office. So here it goes:

10 things you want for the holidays: (in no particular order)
1.) Lotsa money to buy items 2 to 6 Ü
2.) 15″ MacBook Pro
3.) iPhone
4.) Japanese table (meaning the low type table) with matching big and small throw pillows to go with it
5.) Own refrigerator, TV (with cable) and other furnishings for my own place
6.) Books that fancied my reading mood (may it be novels, comics/graphic novels, design-related books, etc)
7.) Lose weight without much effort (if it’s possible)
8.) A man (take note, I said man) like Jacob Black… if Bella doesn’t want him, I’m all his (and he should be ALL mine… hihihi *blushing*)
9.) Superpowers but I’m not decided yet if I’ll prefer telepathy or telekinesis or both perhaps :p
10.) World peace Ü

9 musicians/bands you love/like:
1.) Linkin Park
2.) Eraserheads
3.) Bamboo
4.) Madonna
5.) U2
6.) Maroon 5
7.) No Doubt
8.) Michael Jackson
9.) Paramore

8 things you do everyday:
1.) Work (on weekends, physically resting but my brain is still pumping) 😉
2.) Email checks
3.) Think…
4.) Listen to Chico and Delamar’s Morning Rush (M-F) at Monster Radio 93.1
5.) Surf net for inspiration (on work/projects)
6.) Take a bathe
7.) Check/read interesting blogs, Plurk, Twitter, Facebook and at times Multiply
8.) Play some Facebook games (flavor of the “moment”)

7 things you enjoy:
1.) Playing or just being with children
2.) Buying/collecting stuffed elephants (or anything about them) Ü
3.) Reading (books that interest me – depends on the mood)
4.) Eating nice/fave food specially if someone else will pay for it
5.) Sleeping (and not being bothered or woke up by anyone)
6.) Traveling/exploring new countries/cities and experiencing their culture
7.) Cooking/baking for someone else… and they’ll like what I cooked/baked

6 things that will always win your heart:
1.) Elephants Ü
2.) Children/kids
3.) Non-dictating people
4.) Funny (but not nasty) people
5.) Romantic movies
6.) Cute/charming smile :p

5 favorites: (currently for 3-5)
1.) Animal: Elephants Ü
2.) Food: Ice cream
3.) TV series: Glee
4.) TV series: Ugly Betty
5.) Song: Defying Gravity (sang by Kurt of Glee)

4 smells you enjoy:
1.) New books
2.) Baby’s breath (specially when newly breastfed)
3.) Eternity for Men
4.) Nature-ry smell (cut/wet grass, cool clean breeze, etc)

3 places you want to go:
1.) Italy (Rome, Florence, etc)
2.) Greece (ancient ruins)
3.) Africa (Safari)

2 holidays you love:
1.) Christmas
2.) self-declared holidays… *evil laugh*

1 person you’d marry on the spot:
Hmmm… si John Lloyd *blushing*… hihihi

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Posted by on December 2, 2009 in All About Me, Realizations, Wala lang...


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On Continuity and Restlessness

I’m a bit shaken with the things happening around me. Things that matter personally and professionally. Made me think again on certain situations that I thought only fictatious and happens only because the scriptwriter and director told them so…

It even irritates me more when simple stuff that should at least coorperate with you to ease up a little tention adds up and aggitates you more…

… itchy scalp. I’ve paid some shiny, gloss thing to be done on my hair and paid quite a lot for such treatment. I’ve forever believed that no one or nothing should be done to my hair––EVER! But being so vulnerably clueless and illogical lately, this famous parlor made me do so. Now, I suffer for it… wounded scalp AND pocket. Unsolicited advice: Stick to your gut feeling!
… bruises springing out of nowhere? There’s this quite big one on my right arm that’s irritates me for weeks.
… this weird type of zit appears of all places, on my nape? Since now I have shorter hair, it’s visible I bet, I get to scrape, hit or touch it accidentally… ARGH!

I guess the stress is manifesting in some way or another. Specially the itchy scalp. I go such state when I think to much… is my brain cells falling out?

Hahaha. Cartoons… I think I’ve watched to much cartoons…


Today, I am meeting up with Jose. It’s been quite sometime since we’ve seen each other. We hardly chat or exchange SMS messages. Mostly, he’s the one initiating. Like this meet up.

I feel he’s quite happy… because he never watch movies in Tagalog! Hihihi. Really. He hates the plot. The very predictable plot. Which up until now, I wonder why I’m still such a sucker for Filipino mushy love story, specially the tragic ones. I don’t know. I’m such a hopeless romantic, I guess.

2 movies (one Tagalog movie: take note) + Jose + plus his treat = Should not pass this one up.

Jose’s gearing up with his tinted glasses aka sunglasses and I’m bring quite an absorbent hanky. (My beach towel is huge to fit in my bag) 😉


It’s a Thursday. A holiday. Tomorrow is a Friday and there’s still work. PGMA can’t do her thing in moving holidays here and there this time. It’s Labor Day. She will definitely be like banging herself on spiky, solid wall… or she has another plan in mind?

I remember an old taxi driver who seemed quite intellectual based on his comments saying, “PGMA is really an economist”.  I won’t expound on it anymore, check the dictionary and the news.

Going back today being a holiday and tomorrow still a workday, a lot of people might be heading somewhere today. They might have filed a work leave to enjoy the long weekend. Good for them. I envy them. My getaway will just be 2 movie dates, a hearty meal with a good friend, Jose. Thanks to him, I might be working again today despite the holiday. Well, I did bring home some work and plan to do it tonight AFTER the movie date because it’s deadline is tomorrow, Friday.

Welcome to a more vicious reality… it does bite.


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